Players need to use the truncheon to knock a thrall out. These three items and food are the minimum requirements for crafting thralls. With that they can craft a truncheon, fiber bindings, and a lesser wheel of pain. In Conan Exiles players must unlock the "thrall taker" crafting recipe in the player inventory.

How to enslave/craft thralls in Conan Exiles Thralls are the backbone of a fully functioning society inside of Conan Exiles. Thralls are an extremely useful resource in Conan Exiles that allow players to fortify bases, craft new and special items, and accelerate crafting speeds at certain stations. In order to summon an Avatar in Conan Exiles players need to capture a priest for whichever religion they're trying to summon from. Thralls also come in varieties, such as archer, fighter, armorer, and so on. The higher the number on the thrall, the better it is. On top of that, they come in up to four different levels. There are many different kinds of thralls in Conan Exiles. Players put food into the wheel and turn it on, like they would with wood in a campfire.

From this point enslaving the thrall is a crafting process. With these items players can hunt down hostile NPC's, knock them out with blunt weapons, and drag them back to the wheels. In Conan Exiles players can enslave NPC's called "thralls" using special buildings called wheels of pain.